Our work in building out the resources per industry are just getting started. We’d love your help in building out resources tailored to each industry.
Key Statistics
Undocumented workers without papers and workers on temporary visas are more vulnerable to workplace exploitation, including unfair labor practices, working without fair pay, and sexual harassment and assault.
Furthermore, these low-wage workers are oftentimes disproportionately women of color and even more likely to experience harassment in the workplace, yet they receive far less attention in the media.
The Center for American Progress (CAP) from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) put together a report that found that more than 25 percent of sexual-harassment charges were filed in industries with large numbers of low-wage workers. Furthermore, CAP found that the majority of these harassment cases included retaliation.
Female Workers Face Rape, Harassment In U.S. Agriculture Industry
Bernice Yeung and Grace Rubenstein, The Center for Investigative Reporting
“We do not work under bright stage lights or on the big screen. We work in the shadows of society in isolated fields and packinghouses that are out of sight and out of mind for most people in this country. Your job feeds souls, fills hearts and spreads joy. Our job nourishes the nation with the fruits, vegetables and other crops that we plant, pick and pack.”
Participate in a BetterBrave Research Survey
BetterBrave is conducting a research survey to better understand how sexual harassment and discrimination differs in workplaces across industries. Contribute to our research today to help us get another step closer to tackling root causes of these issues.